
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Great Deal in Hyde Park!

This week is school vacation and it'll be a stay-cation for me.  Not much to do other than some DIY wedding stuff, reading for school, and taking time for myself :)  

To fill my time with some fun stuff, I was online looking for some things to do and of course I wanted to try out some local gym classes.  As an instructor I love checking out other classes-- it gives me an opportunity to get my own workout in, network, and get some tips for class (or in some cases, I learn what not to do in my own class haha).

Sooo I was searching online and was about to sign up for a few classes at local gyms just as a drop in and guess what!!!!  1 class was $20 drop in and another class was $28 drop in.  Now, I'm not going to say the names of the places because I'm sure they are good classes.  But, $20 for 1 class that's only an hour long?!  That's just crazy town to me.  I'm frugal and dropping that much on a class is just too much in my opinion.

Made me think Insanity classes are way underpriced at $12/class or $5 through Groupon!!   I would never think about going up because I want to maintain low prices to ensure that everyone has access to quality workout classes!!  No $20/class here!

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