I'm starting a PIYO test group with about 8 other ladies on 7/7/14! I can't wait! Most of these ladies are my good friends and I can't wait to see everyone's progress. It's called a "test group" because the program was just released on 6/23/14 so it's very new! I know you'll be jealous, but I was able to work out with the creator of PIYO, Chalene Johnson, in Vegas this past weekend...not once, but twice!
A little info on PIYO: it comes with an amazing nutrition plan as well as workout schedule for 60 days -- nutrition is always my biggest struggle for me. But, I've learned if we don't have both nutrition & workouts in check, we will never reach our health goal. I'm so glad that this program has both covered for me!
Be on the lookout for my progress pictures. I'll be updating every STATurday (get it, haha).
A video about PIYO for my challengers...
Oh NBD, just working out with Chalene Johnson @ MGM Grand...
Oh another NBD, just working out at 6:30am in Vegas with my idol...
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