Today, Friday 2/20 to Sunday 2/22!
Need super simple nutrition? Need 30-minute efficient at-home workouts (no going out into this cold weather!)? Need 1-on-1 motivation & support?
Get the 21-Day Fix OR 21-Day Fix Extreme for ONLY $10 (with purchase of Shakeology)!!
And, FREE shipping!
**Added Bonus: Order on Friday and I'll send you a Chocolate Vegan Shakeology sample and a Shakeology recipe book!
Once your order is placed this weekend, you'll be set to start in my March 1st Results Group -->
1. all ladies working out to a Team Beachbody program at home,
2. but supporting each other and motivating each other online in a closed Facebook group!
30-Day Money Back Guarantee .... so YOU have nothing to lose but INCHES!
Already have the programs? Pass the information along to a friend and if he/she orders this weekend, you'll GET a Shakeology sample and Shakeology recipe book as a thank you for the referral!
The Savings $$:
The Results:
Are You Ready? E-mail me at and we can chat and make sure it's the right program for you!
Enjoy your weekend,
Nicole :)