Sunday, February 2, 2014

Get the Scoop on Sunday :)

Hello to all of my fantastic challengers! 

As part of your free Team Beachbody account with me as your coach, you'll be receiving a weekly newsletter with recipes and tips for healthy living!  

This week is an exciting week @ Team Beachbody!!  The newest program is being released and other fantastic programs are still on sale...  

The 21-Day Fix will be released on Monday, Feb 3rd.  It is a 21-day program with 30 minute workouts each day and a meal plan that is so simple and comes with color-coded containers so you know exactly what to eat.  

Going with the 30-minute workouts...P90X3 and T25 are still on sale in challenge packs!!  P90X3 had 30 minute workouts and T25 has 25 minute workouts.  
Super Bowl Recipe!! :)

Lighter Buffalo Chicken Dip
Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 9 • Serving Size: 1/3 cup  Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 3 pts
Calories: 107.9 • Fat: 4.9 g • Carbs: 5.4 g • Fiber: 0 g • Protein: 10.3 g
  • 4 oz reduced fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup fat free sour cream
  • 1/2 cup Franks hot sauce (or whatever hot sauce you like)
  • 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
  • 1 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 cups (14 oz  raw) cooked shredded chicken
Directions: Mix the first 5 ingredients together until smooth. Add the chicken and put this in the crock pot on low for 3-4 hours. Serve warm. To do this on the stove, simmer on low heat 30 minutes.

In a salad bowl, combine 4oz.-grilled shrimp on large mixed green salad (lettuce, peppers, and cucumbers) tossed with balsamic vinegar, 1tsp. olive oil, and 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard. 

1. Cupid's Challenge 
*Starts 2/10/14 for 30-Days
*Your choice of Team Beachbody program 
*Limited to 12 people for individualized attention 
*Daily posts from you = REQUIRED 
*Weekly goal check with me = REQUIRED
*Grocery list with meal plans will be provided
*I'm going to keep you ACCOUNTABLE TO YOUR GOAL
*It'll be exactly what you need to GET RESULTS!  I'll message, text, whatever you need to make sure you are on track! 


2. 21-Day Fix Test Group 
*Starts 2/10/14 for 21-days
*30 minute workouts for 21-days
*Comes with color-coded containers for portion control 
*Me as your coach
*Limited to 15 for best experience 
*Daily posts from you = REQUIRED 
*Weekly goal check with me = REQUIRED

The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It's a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.
**Available 2/3/14 @ --> "Shop Team Beachbody"

1 serving Vanilla Shakeology
½ cup water
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries 

For the best taste experience, use a blender and add ice. The more ice, the thicker it gets. Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute (almond, rice, or coconut milk)—the more milk, the creamier it gets! Enjoy!

Calories: 192
On average, it only takes three years after one quits smoking to have their chance of having a heart attack the same as someone who has never smoked before in their lifetime.
“A year from now you'll wish you had started today!" 
12 steps to good money management: 

#5 prepare a will! 

I'm always here to answer questions, coach you through a program, help you become a coach, anything!  Contact me :) 

Have a fantastic, healthy week!


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