I love the flavors of the holidays (eggnog, pies, and other sweets), but I do not like the calories! I found this healthy recipe on the back of the So Delicious (30 calorie per serving) dairy free eggnog I purchased at Whole Foods this weekend.
It was the perfect Sunday morning breakfast! Check it out!
Nog French Toast
2 ripe bananas
2 c So Delicious Dairy Free Nog Coconut Milk
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla
8 slices of gluten-free bread
1. In a blender combine the Coconut Nog, banana and cinnamon until smooth.
2. Put into a large bowl and soak the bread slices in the mixture.
3. In a sprayed skillet over medium low heat, add bread slices and slowly cook until nicely browned on both sides.
4. Serve with maple syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar if desired.
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